Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Assam Fruit Helps Runners Hit the Pavement

In the winter, it's easy to fall off of the exercise wagon. Holiday parties lead to winter vacations, the February-slump, and before you know it, beach season has arrived and you're looking less-than-fit. However, a dietary supplement like Assam fruit will help you get back into tip-top shape.

In the winter, it's easy to fall off of the exercise wagon. Holiday parties lead to winter vacations, the February-slump, and before you know it, beach season has arrived and you're looking less-than-fit. However, a dietary supplement like Assam fruit will help you get back into tip-top shape.

Assam fruit, when taken in pill form, has a powerful thermogenic effect on the body and will quickly boost your metabolism. Those who like to eat sweets like chocolate and ice cream can indulge without feeling guilty - their body will effortlessly burn off excess calories and carbs.

Burning off simple carbohydrates and converting them to energy, Assam fruit makes it easier to gather the motivation necessary to commit to a running plan.

For runners who took a break from their exercise routine over the winter months, the Boston Marathon, which took place earlier this week, is a reminder to strap on their running shoes and hit the pavement. When combined with a diet aid like Assam fruit, runners can be back in their skinny jeans in no time!

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